La Nostra Famiglia Generosa  (Our Giving Family)

The La Nostra Famiglia Generosa (Our Giving Family), is a giving society with a membership limited to 25 individuals or families. We are seeking gifts at four different levels. These gifts are annual contributions. All giving will be anonymous.  Only you and the Foundation will know what level you give. All La Nostra Famiglia Generosa members will be treated equally.  You may choose to tell others, but we will not confirm giving information, only that you are a member. We do not share our donor lists with any outside organization.  The Primo Foundation is a 501c3 organization and all gifts are 100% tax deductible.  You will receive a tax letter in December of each year for your gift

Four Giving Levels

  • 2 Gifts at       $10,000

  • 5 Gits at        $  5,000

  • 8 Gifts at       $  2,500

  • 10 Gifts at     $  1,000

 Once we have completed all 25 memberships in 2024, we will hold a cocktail reception at Primo Italian Steakhouse to welcome everyone and talk about the date for the Eight-Course Dinner

 Membership Benefits

1. Eight-Course Dinner. Two People.
2. Quarterly Invitation to Special Culinary Receptions. Two People
3. Secret Brunch Two People
4. La Nostra Famiglia Generosa Challenge Coin.  One per gift.

Membership is for one year.  You may commit for multiple years. We will send reminder payments in October of each year. No benefits are transferable. Gifts are due in the 4th quarter of each year. Payments may be made by cash, check, credit card and appreciated securities

To become a member of La Nostra Famiglia Generosa please contact Matthew Hughes at or 412-977-4268 (Cell)